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- .øØØØØØØø.
- ____ _____ _ ______ _ __øØØ'
- _\¯ _____///_\____ _ __.Ø .øØØØØø., [.credits.]
- ¡__________ ¡ \/ `øØØØØØø' .Øø.
- |¯ ¯/ | :øØ' code· raptor and iceman
- | _ / .| .,øØø. music· marooha
- l _¬\/ .:l _ .øØ `ØØø' ascii· acid, boobba, raptor,
- `---¬\_____.-'---¬\_____.`øØØø_ØøØØØø! scandi
- ¦ .øØØØØØøø. .
- | | -bBÅ!
- ø · .look for other sector 5's products.
- .
- Hi dudes! ø rAPtØr oF sECtøR 5 is on key now...
- This demo is our contribution to the Summer Party '96 held in Poznan. It
- isn't standard production, because it's an Ascii Demo, so it's all in ascii
- style... Why we did this demo? The reason was very simple! We want to
- became the best! Well... It isn't true of course! heh..heh... We feel
- that the polish and world scene need more productions like "In a World Of
- Ascii" or "Ascii Mania" and we create Ascii Sector!
- Some technical things... All efects was wrote using system comands and
- system libraries... Of course we need only standard libraries included in
- ROM and some libraries, that are lying on the disk. Maybe some efects looks
- not very nice, but it isn't, so easy to wite demo, that is DOS FRIENDLY, but
- we want show you that Jay Miner create a good OS and it's good for all! For
- games, progz and demos... At the first you can see a black screen... Why
- it is showed? well... Of course we must change the screen size for all
- effects, that are in this demo, so it is like a short moment of totality
- changeing screen size for all time... We hope that you understand that.
- and this is all things which we want to tell you, so see you in other ascii
- production... maybe in near future or maybe later...
- What do you need to see this demo?
- A1200 or 14Mhz on board!
- Nothing more! No fast! No other CPU!
- So if you have fast or faster CPU then please turn off all this things,
- before you are start watching this!
- thanx!
- all this files, that must be on the disk C:
- Eighty
- FadeType
- if you want install this production on your own DEVS:
- hard disk drive,then just copy all this file to System-Configuration
- your C:, DEVS:, LIBS: directory and copy ASCII LIBS:
- SECTOR! executable file where ever you want and DiskFont.library
- run it... MathTrans.library
- PowerPacker.library
- this hd install text was not tested because i S:
- haven't any hd now, so if this txt is not very Startup-Sequence
- well then sorry... ON DISK:
- Asci!Sect0r.exe
- Asci!Sect0r.readme
- Info